In 2011, Wolfgang Eric Wagner has established the series “Neues Etwas von gelehrten Rostockschen Sachen, für gute Freunde. Quellen und Erläuterungen zur Geschichte des gelehrten Lebens in Rostock”  at Verlag Dr. Kovač. The issues in this series are partly being worked out in cooperation with students and medievistic junior researchers. I am or have been engaged in these issues:

Die jüngeren Statuten der Artistenfakultät

Since 2011, I am working on a critical edition of the arts faculty statutes of the Rostock University in cooperation with Hellmut Braun, Anna-Sophia Fischer and Marcel Knie. It will incorporate a German translation and a commentary.

Die ältesten Statuten der Rostocker Medizinischen Fakultät nebst Zeugnisformularen für Lizentiaten und Bakkalare

In this his work, driven by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Eric Wagner, I have been responsible for copy-editing and typesetting of the manuscript. The edition of the medical faculty’s statutes of the Rostock University has been published in 2015.

Observantia lectionum in universitate Rostochiensi (1520)

Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Eric Wagner, a critical edition of the Observantia lectionum—the oldest known printed lecture program of the Rostock University—has been created in 2010, enclosed with a translation and a commentary. Robert Ackermann, Hellmut Braun, Christian Ende, Anna-Sophia Fischer, Marcel Knie, Wolfgang Eric Wagner and I have followed through the work. The “Observantia lectionum” has been published at Verlag Dr. Kovač in 2011.